Hello World, Command Prompt App

Simple app to show the basics of using Delphi for command prompt (command line) app.

Developed using Delphi 10.

The Zip file includes all source files and the compiled application. The files are:
HelloCmd.dproj: Project file. Open this file in Delphi to open project.
HelloCmd.dpr: Project source. Delphi maintains this file.
Main.pas: Unit with the app code. This is the file you edit to add functions and procedures for the app.
HelloCmd.exe: A compiled version of the app. Can be started like a normal Windows application. App will run in a command prompt window.

For command prompt apps, it is possible to put all application in .dpr file, but it is recommended to use an unit Main.pas as this makes it easier when using the "Project Manager" in Delphi RAD Studio.



License: CC-BY 4.0. Freeware, no warranty. Software Disclaimer.

Tags: Delphi, Object Pascal, Programming

Page link: <http://foersom.org/SwDev/Delphi/HelloCmd.html>

Edited: 2018-08-06