HTTPS with Indy

Delphi Indy can access Internet files by HTTP and HTTPS protocol. The process is similar but there are a few more steps for HTTPS.
For the HTTP protocol the basic operation is a Get operation to receive a file from Internet server, e.g. a HTML file or other data file.
In the example application there are two functions implementing Get operation, as HTTP in .GetHTTPFileAsString() and as HTTPS in .GetHTTPSFileAsString().
The GUI allow to test either of the two with an URL.


In order to use HTTPS, two DLLs must be present. They are named libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll. The source code for the DLL comes from the OpenSSL project.
However compiled DLLs are not provided here, only source code. Compiled version of the DLLs for 32 bit applications are available from Indy Fulgan.
Unzip file and copy ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll to the source dir of the app.
There may already have versions of the two DLLs on your PC. Search drive C:. However they may not be newest versions.


Developed using Delphi 10.

The Zip file includes all source files. DLL files for HTTPS are not included.


License: CC-BY 4.0. Freeware, no warranty. Software Disclaimer.


Embarcadero RAD Studio OpenSSL

Tags: Delphi, Object Pascal, Programming

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Edited: 2018-11-02